Special Image OCR

Command Prototype

sText = OCR.ImageSpecialOCR(sPath,sEngine, sAcessKey, sSecretKey, iTimeOut,sEngineOptionArgs)

Command Description

Use OCR to specifically parse an image of a particular type. Internet access is needed for this command

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
sPath--File path to the image to be recognized
sEngine--The OCR engine used
sAcessKey--API Key for the OCR service
sSecretKey--Secret key for the OCR service
iTimeOut--Maximum execution time (in milliseconds) of the activity. Throws a SelectorNotFoundException on timeout. Defaults to 10000
sEngineOptionArgs--Other parameters for OCR to pass along to the engine
sText--The variable to which the output of the function call is saved

results matching ""

    No results matching ""